
Veyder-time is a simple and efficient time and date framework for Java. It simplifies many operations with times and dates, and offers a more natural representation for such objects.

  • It has a simple, intuitive and well-documented API.
  • No time zones. No locales. Only the normal calendar system. No eras.
  • Dates can be represented as dates alone, without unneccessary time information.
  • Formatting of times and dates is very easy - no cryptic format description strings.
  • The implementation is very efficient, and the memory usage is minimal.
  • The framework is well-tested, with extensive unit tests.
  • ... and much more.

Veyder-time is very simple to use. The main objects are:

Time – a complete timestamp with date and time of day
DayDate – a simple date without time of day
TimeOfDay – a time of day

Here are some examples:


Time now =;
Time time = Time.factory.parse("2011-08-01 12:49:21.123");
DayDate date = DayDate.factory.parse("2011", "08", "01");
TimeOfDay time = TimeOfDay.factory.parse(12, 49, 21);


if (time.isBefore("09", "15"))     { /* something appropriate before 9:15 */ }
if (time.isLaterDayThan(lastTime)) { /* a once-a-day task */ }
if (time1.isSameMinuteAs(time2))   { /* gather events of same minute */ }


DayOfWeek dow = time.getDayOfWeek();
Time newTime = time.plusMinutes(123);
Time newTime = time.plusSeconds(-42);
DayDate newDate = date.plusYears(401);
int diff = TimeUtils.differenceInDays(date1, date2);


time.iso().formatDateAndTime();              // 2011-08-01 12:49:21
time.eur().formatDateAndTime();              // 01.08.2011 12:49:21;               // 08/01/2011 12:49:21

time.iso().formatDateAndLongTime();          // 2011-08-01 12:49:21.123
time.iso().formatCompactDate();              // 20110801
time.iso().formatShortTime();                // 12:49
time.eur().formatCompactShortDateAndTime();  // 010811 12:49:21;     // 08/01/11 12:49


String data = time.serialize();
Time time = Time.factory.deserialize(data);


java.util.Date date = time.toJavaUtilDate(timeZone);
TimeOfDay time = Time.factory.fromJavaUtilDate(date).getTimeOfDay();